TSRTC Parcel Cargo Tracking

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TSRTC Parcel Customer Care

CITY: Hyderabad

Telephone / Phone Number: 040-69440000/23450033

Email Address: [email protected]

Head Office: Asst. Traffic Manager-1 (Cargo & Parcel), Telangana State Road Transport Corporation, 4th Floor, B-Block, Bus Bhavan, RTC ‘X’ Roads, Mushirabad, Hyderabad – 500020.

Main Website Link: https://www.tsrtcparcel.in/

Related Courier: EPS Worldwide Express Tracking

Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC)

It operates with approximately 9,700 buses, offering extensive public vehicle services. In June 2020, they launched Freight and Package Administrations, utilizing buses to transport goods efficiently. These services are available statewide at transport stations and key locations in neighbouring states.

Counters are established at these points, with designated Package and Freight Specialists facilitating the services. Customers can book consignments at these counters for secure and timely transportation of their packages. Goods are transported via the bus network, ensuring wide reach and reliability across various regions. Consignees collect their packages from the designated bus stations or counters upon delivery.

Senders can visit the closest bus stop or assigned counter to book their transfers for conveyance to the ideal area. This drive uses the broad reach and unwavering quality of their transport organization, giving a helpful and effective answer for freight and bundle transportation. 

The help guarantees convenient and safe conveyance, taking care of the calculated necessities of people and organizations across the area. The specialists assume a vital part in dealing with the appointments and guaranteeing smooth tasks, making the cycle bother free for the clients. The freight and package administrations represent their obligation to broaden their contributions and improve the utility of their vehicle organization. 

By coordinating these administrations, they created a framework supporting passenger and freight transportation efficiently. This essential move enhances current services, boosting resource utilization and operational effectiveness. Their initiative benefits the local economy by improving connectivity and facilitating efficient goods movement. The freight and package services showcase their commitment to serving the community comprehensively and reliably. These services exemplify dedication to providing extensive and dependable transportation solutions for all users. Improved connectivity and efficient goods movement strengthen regional economic activities and operational synergy. Their innovative approach reinforces their role as a versatile, community-focused transport service provider.

TSRTC Parcel Services

City Bus Services

It guarantees extensive inclusion inside metropolitan regions, giving a fundamental method of transport for everyday workers. These transports work on all around arranged courses with continuous timetables, limiting stand-by times and working with smooth travel across the city.

Intercity Bus Services

Intercity transport administrations interface different towns and urban communities, working with really long travel with solace and unwavering quality. These administrations take care of travellers who require proficient transportation across various districts, offering numerous classes of administration from economy to extravagance. The intercity transports work on a decent timetable, offering opportune and reliable support for voyagers. 

Special Hire Services

Unique recruit administrations offer custom-made transportation answers for gatherings and occasions. Whether it’s for weddings, corporate trips, school outings, or traveler journeys, these administrations give a scope of transport that can be employed given explicit requirements. This assistance guarantees advantageous and agreeable travel for gatherings of different sizes, with proficient drivers and all around kept up with vehicles guaranteeing wellbeing and dependability.

Employee Transportation Services

Employee Transportation Services are intended to meet the driving requirements of workers from different associations. These devoted transports run on unambiguous courses and timetables, guaranteeing that representatives have a dependable and safe method for getting to and from work. 

Tourist Services

It offers devoted transportation choices for touring and investigation inside the state. These transports give courses that cover significant vacation destinations, guaranteeing voyagers can visit key locales advantageously and easily.